Clean up the wrongs of citizens

Clean up the wrongs of citizens

Lawyer Luo

Clean up the wrongs of citizens

a promise that will be kept, Reach the acme of perfection

a promise that will be kept
Reach the acme of perfection

Key Might Institute provides professional and efficient legal services to clients.

a promise that will be kept, Reach the acme of perfection


骆振中律师 LawyerLuo 广东金美律师事务所高级合伙人/主任 1987年7月毕业于西南政法大学法律系,获法学学士学位,研究生学历。法律专长:刑事诉讼战略:辩护与代理[立案、侦查、起诉、审判],知识产权战略:诉讼与非诉讼[商标、专利、版权、商业密秘、不正当竞争、海关保护],公司投融资、股权投资、并购、重组、上市 。

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Mobile Phone: +86-13600177898 Lawyer Luo
TEL: +86-755-83790336